Professional translations for every sector

Translation Services

Studio Carabelli & Rivolta offers accurate translations specialising above all in the legal, financial and economic sectors, as well as providing, as court-approved experts, sworn translations and apostille before the Court and Prosecutor’s Office of Busto Arsizio.

Our process

All translations are assigned to an internal Project Manager who coordinates every aspect of the process, from the initial quotation request to the delivery. The PM identifies the most suitable professional linguist to carry out the work based on not only the linguistic combination, but also on the translator’s specific skill and experience relevant to the subject matter.

Studio Carabelli & Rivolta works exclusively with professional translators, selected over the years based on their specific professional preparation as well their extensive experience, who are bound by non-disclosure agreements that guarantee the strictest confidence.
Before handing over the project to the customer, the PM also handles the proofreading phase that ensures that the text has been properly translated.

Our customers

Some of our clients are lawyers, notaries, accountants, in-house legals, companies that need specific translations for overseas bids and tenders as well as private individuals who need professional certified translations.
In particular, we have extensive experience in the following areas:

Ancillary services

Your tranquillity is our priority.

All the texts we translate can be sworn or authenticated in court in order to guarantee the reliability and compliance of the translation compared to the original, as well as being legalised or apostilled at the Public Prosecutor’s Office.

This means that a comparison is made between the text translated and the original text. The two texts are provided by the same client, who needs to check the completeness and correctness of the translation already carried out. Based on the quality level of the translation supplied, the work may require a correction of typographical errors and minor changes, up to a substantial redrafting of the text, in which case the client is promptly informed.

Proofreading means that only the translated text is checked and is supplied by the client. In this case, the text is checked exclusively for spelling and grammar errors, terminology and syntax.

Transcription means converting an audio/video file into written format, in Italian or another language.

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